Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Wow! I'm a sucky blogger! It's almost Christmas. We had an awesome Halloween and Thanksgiving. Joey has been stuck at 16 lbs for about 6 months or so until last week. She (along with everyone else) ate herself stupid and has gained-and maintained-an extra 2 lbs! Yay! We hope she'll keep it on! She also started walking last month and is really starting to be more sure-footed. Dang that girl is cute. She still holds the title of "therapy baby" to me. She is getting a real sense of humor and has learned that daddies are for wrestling! She is also speaking a lot better than she should be. She started putting 3 syllable words and phrases together, like "cereal, " and "who is that?" Crazy huh?

Coleman and Lillie are still good. Coleman is lovin' his preschool and I swear he's smarter than me already. He spouts off random facts, like his dad, about things I've never heard of. I shouldn't be surprized since he knew what a trapezoid was at the age of 1!! I don't think I knew that until 9th grade geometry!

Lillie is as funny as ever! Today at Wal-mart, she had her first encounter with an escalator. She couldn't figure out how to get on it (kinda reminding me of that scene from "Elf") and she ended up falling on her butt and rolling back down. Meanwhile, I've got Jo in my arms and I'm frantically trying to run DOWN the escalator. Of course, I saw a guy I had a crush on in High School standing at the bottom smirking at the whole situation. I pretended not to notice that I recognized him, and hoped he didn't remember all the classes we've had together since 3rd grade! It was funny though! Lillie's frantic amazement was worth a thousand words.

I guess another exciting thing in my life is that Twilight finally arrived! Yay! Can't wait for the next one. I managed to get Ira sucked into the series as well (I know he's a guy. If you run into him, don't make fun of him too bad). It's sappy and corny and I love it all! Am I team Edward or team Jacob, you might ask? Usually Jacob because I'm married to him and Edward's too perfect, but lately I've been leaning towards Edward.

Random funny story: The other day, I took the kids to the credit union (not bank) and as I was still signing my receipts, Coleman took off out the building, down the stairs, and into the parking lot towards our truck. I was panicking as any mother does when their child's life is in danger. It was near a busy intersection too! We had a long talk about staying together and never running around where cars drive. He usually doesn't do this, so it really caught me off guard. Anyway, when Ira got home, he had an even better idea. He showed Coleman his pumpkin that he painted and had him feel how it was "hard like your head." Then he proceeded to place the pumpkin under the tire of the truck and he slowly inched forward and watched Coleman and Lillie's eyes pop and their jaws drop as the pumpkin exploded and flattened under the tire. Then, of course, he explained how this is what happens to you if a car doesn't see you because you're running through a parking lot or in the street. And then he tells him to just imagine what would've happened if he were going fast! I could just see those wheels turning in his little pumpkin head! If any of you are struggling with keeping your kids out of traffic, this technique works quite effectively!

Well, back to Ira...he's made a career change. Due to the recession and all of the ups and downs that complete the construction package, Ira has toyed with the idea of changing careers for quite some time. I believe this time that he's serious. He'll finish the 1 class he has left for his construction degree (why not, right?) and then he's moving on to the medical field to hopefully become a Physician's Assistant. They make great money, they're in high demand, it's recession-proof, it won't kill his body, and he could have a job anywhere in the world! They're basically versatile doctors that don't have to pay malpractice insurance. However, there is the matter of all that school to get through and somehow support me and 3 kids while doing it. Also, PA programs are elite and scarce in UT and we might have to go back out of state for school (which wouldn't be too bad actually). We're in for more financial stress, but we believe the end game will be worth it. Maybe he'll have his Master's Degree next time I update this blog. Ha! Ha!


RhubarbLady said...

Cousin Trisha here-thanks for the update-glad to hear you're all well-even though I just talked to you. The stories and pictures are cute and the pumpkin example?-what an example of an object lesson.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update!
Really great idea with that "pumpkin head" under the tire. Wow.
I'm glad I don't have runners. :)

If I forget to say it when I see you, Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

P.S. my husband and I read all the Twilight books too.
Yay Twilight!

Cati said...

I hear that Med School in Venezuela is cheep.. you know think about it... Cute Blog by the way